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Half Cox
Pat Cox, former MEP and former president of the European Parliament, was today elected president of the European Movement International. He takes over from Jose Maria Gil-Robles, and gave an […]
The convention in Genoa
I had the honour and pleasure to represent Federal Union at the European Citizens’ Convention in Genoa last weekend. It was a fascinating occasion, leading to some useful debate. (You […]
The future of the EU budget
Research questions received from a student, with responses from Richard Laming, Director of Federal Union 1. Do you agree that the current UK rebate from the European Union undermines community […]
Full Marx
I was at an interesting discussion on Thursday evening on Marx and modernity. I went along not knowing much about Marx – I seemed to be the only one present […]
If you want an exposé of the latest misadventures of the neo-conservatives, I can recommend that you read the latest piece in the Guardian by David Clark. You can find […]
Make poverty history
By John Roberts This enlighted slogan has been current for some months, part of the campaign to forgive debts owed to the industrialized world by African and other poor countries. […]
Lousy weather
A brief business trip to Brussels today. The weather was dreadful. Sudden heavy downpours and generally grey skies. The weather always seems to be bad in Brussels, similar to London […]
Sir Christopher Meyer
Sir Christopher Meyer was reported in the Independent on Sunday 13 November 2005 saying: “There is an imbalance between civil servants and politicians. People say that I breached a trust – […]
A conference on sovereignty
A couple of weeks ago, I was able to attend a conference on the defence of sovereignty in the 21st century. It was an academic conference, not a political event, […]
Parliament for the English?
I see that Conservative leadership contender David Davis has renewed the call for only English MPs to vote on English-only matters in Parliament (reported on BBC News Online here […]