Faith, Belief and Fundamentalism (19 October 2015)


Lord John Alderdice
Lord John Alderdice

The 37th Corbishley Lecture will be delivered by Lord John Alderdice  on “Faith, Belief and Fundamentalism”

on Monday 19 October 2015

will be in the basement Conference Hall of Mary Sumner House, 24 Tufton Street, Westminster, London SW1P 3RB  (around the back from Europe House in Smith Square).

We shall start with a short reception at 5.30pm followed by the address and questions finishing by 7.30pm.

There is no charge but we welcome donations to defray the costs especially if these can be made through Gift Aid so that we benefit from the HMRC contribution if you are a tax payer. Please use the form below. Donations can be made on the night or by Bank Transfer to account no 63820331 (sort code 60-13-33)

(please notify the secretariat so that this payment can be traced: [email protected]).

Please confirm your attendance and that of any colleague who wishes to come.  Forms with signature for Gift Aid should be posted to my address below.

Please reserve… for the 37th Corbishley Lecture

Name (s) …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Organisation …………………………………………………………………………………………….

Address and email  …………………………………………………………………………………..



(Gifts from UK taxpayers qualify for Gift Aid.  By signing the following declaration you are allowing the WPCT to reclaim the tax on your donations.)  I confirm I am a UK taxpayer and the tax I pay is at least equal to the amount of tax that charities including WPCT will reclaim on any gifts I make within the tax year.

Please treat as Gift Aid donations all qualifying gifts of money made

today …….                              in the past 4 years …..                                in the future…..

I should like to make a donation of £ ……..

Signature …………………………………………………….                          Date …………….

Please return your form to Keith Best, Chair WPCT, 15 St Stephen’s Terrace, London SW8 1DJ


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