International Criminal Court

The International Criminal Court is an important step in bringing the world’s worst criminals to justice.

Click here for more information on this website about the ICC.

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The Coalition for the International Criminal Court is the primary justice program at WFM-IGP. The Coalition is the largest partnership in the world advancing the cause of international justice, including more than 2,500 human rights and humanitarian organizations from 150 countries (including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and thousands of others). Through work on both the Court and related national legal systems, the Coalition is leading the global fight to end genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity through a commitment to the core values of human rights and justice.

This past year included a number of major events in the international justice timeline, including the start of the first International Criminal Court trial (former Congolese warlord Thomas Lubanga), the issuance of an arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir, and other milestones. The role of the Court—and thus the Coalition—has continued to grow, as efforts to address post-election crimes in Kenya and analysis of atrocities committed in Colombia, Afghanistan, Gaza, and Georgia have all increased the world’s focus on the cause of justice. The Coalition’s global network helped establish the Court and is now focused on ensuring that this new system of justice is fully independent, fair, effective, and accessible in every region of the world. With the most recent ratifications of Bangladesh, the Seychelles, and Saint Lucia, there are now 113 State Parties to the Court. Every country in South America and ever! y member of the European Union are now part of the new system of international justice, along with 31 African countries and 30 from the Asia/Pacific region, North America & the Caribbean, and Central America.

This year also marks the 15th anniversary of the Coalition and the launch of our new global Advisory Board. The Coalition held the first meeting of our Advisory Board in New York in April. Chaired by former Secretary-General of the United Nations and Nobel Laureate Mr. Kofi Annan, the Advisory Board is composed of a group of world leaders and eminent persons who will act as a collective voice in the fight to end impunity and provide strategic advice on key issues. Board members include His Royal Highness Prince Zeid Ra’ad Zeid Al-Hussein, His Excellency Bruno Stagno Ugarte, the Honorable Patricia Wald, the Honorable Justice Richard Goldstone, and the Honorable Lloyd Axworthy (International President of WFM-IGP), among others.

Find out more about the Coalition for the International Criminal Court at

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