1. The organisation shall be known as Federal Union.
2. The aims of Federal Union shall be to promote democratic and effective federal systems of government for the UK, for Europe and for the world.
3. To achieve these aims Federal Union shall work through publications, seminars, public meetings, lobbying, media and other campaigning activities designed to improve the accountability of government at all levels, from local to global. Federal Union has a particular interest in the European Union and the United Nations. It will work to make both these organisations more democratic and to promote UN Security Council reform and the creation of a Parliamentary Assembly at the UN as a first step toward the achievement of a federal world parliament and government.
4. Federal Union is a membership organisation. A member of Federal Union subscribes to the aims and ideals of the organisation and pays a subscription. The subscription rate shall be set by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may decide to waive the subscription in certain instances.
5. The membership of any person found to be acting in a manner damaging to Federal Union’s interests may be cancelled by decision of the Executive Committee, subject to ratification by a General Meeting.
6. General Meetings of members shall take place not less than once a year. The Annual General Meeting is responsible for policy and establishes guidelines for Federal Union activities. It shall also receive reports from the Executive Committee.
7. A Chair, three Deputy Chairs (with specific responsibilities for global, European and local and/or Parliamentary Group activities), a Secretary and a Treasurer shall be elected by the Annual General Meeting. They shall be elected for a two year term. Together with four ordinary members elected for a similar two year term by the Annual General Meeting, they shall comprise the Federal Union’s Executive Committee.
8. The AGM may also elect a President and Vice-Presidents as it sees fit and/or delegate this power to the Executive Committee.
9. In normal circumstances members of the Executive Committee shall not serve more than three consecutive terms.
10. The quorum for meetings of the Executive Committee shall be four. The Executive Committee may co-opt further members as it sees fit. In the event of a tied vote the Chairman of the meeting has a casting vote.
11. The management of Federal Union and its finances are delegated by the General Meeting to the Executive Committee which reports on these matters to the General Meeting. The Executive Committee or fifty members of the Federal Union may call an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Union, giving notice of at least three weeks.
12. The accounting year of Federal Union shall end on 31 December each year.
13. The Annual General Meeting shall be held within three months of the end of the accounting year and shall be invited to agree annual accounts which have been approved by an independent examiner.
14. These rules may be amended at a meeting of the AGM or an EGM by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting.
These statutes were adopted at an Extraordinary General Meeting on 6 September 2008, and amended at the AGM on 10 May 2023.