Join Federal Union

Members of Federal Union receive regular updates about publications, events and campaigning. The minimum membership fee is £15 (waged) or £10 (student/unwaged). Please give more if you can – our campaigning depends on the support of our members.

There are three ways to join:

(1) To join online using a credit card or PayPal, click here: 

(2) To join by bank transfer, ask for the bank details by e-mailing [email protected]

(3) To join by post, print out this form and send it to: Federal Union, 61 Leopold Road, London N2 8BG

Name (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms) ______________________________

Address ________________________________________



Postcode _______________________________________

E-mail _________________________________________

Signature ______________________________________

Date __________________________________________

I enclose a cheque payable to “Federal Union” for:

[   ] £50 (supporting member)

[   ] £25 (contributing member)

[   ] £15 (member: waged)

[   ] £10 (member: student/unwaged)

[   ] additional donation of £______

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