Mary Sumner House, 24 Tufton Street, London SW1P 3RB
2.00 – 5.30 pm followed by a drinks reception
This fourth conference in a series undertaken jointly with the Global Policy Institute and co-funded by the European Commission Representation in the UK, examines citizenship in the light of the Lisbon Treaty and whether the British, given their long history of separation, physical and political, from the European continent can ever be European citizens in a real sense.
Under the Coalition Government, with its mixture of differing attitudes towards Europe, can the British be persuaded to move on from their historic position of isolation and play the leading part in the centre of the European community that the major European nations would like them to take on? Can the British be persuaded to stop worrying and learn to love the European Union?
Difficult decisions will need to be taken in the European context over the coming years, which will play an important part in the European Union’s further development. Britain’s traditional role in the world would seem to imply that she should play a leading part in any forthcoming European developments. But how true is this in reality? To discuss the question, we are assembling a distinguished panel and confirmed speakers to date are as follows :
Georgia Georgiadou, Policy Officer, Citizenship Unit, DG Justice, European Commission
Richard Laming, Chairman, Federal Union
John Palmer, former Political Director, European Policy Centre
Professor Jo Shaw, Salvesen Chair of European Institutions, University of Edinburgh
Chaired by Brendan Donnelly, Director of the Federal Trust
If you would like to attend this event, please reply to [email protected].
The final conference in the series when we wrap up the subjects examined in the previous four conferences is:
20 May 2011, Britain in Europe – the launch of the report.