Join / Renew your membership

Members of Federal Union receive regular updates about publications, events and campaigning. The minimum membership fee is £15 (waged) or £10 (student/unwaged). Please give more if you can – our campaigning depends on the support of our members.

If you are joining, or if your details change, we would be grateful if you could send your name, email address, postal address and telephone number to [email protected]

There are three ways to join/renew:

(1) To join/renew online using a credit card or PayPal, click here:

(2) To join/renew by bank transfer, ask for the bank details by e-mailing [email protected]

(3) To join/renew by post, print out this form and send it to: Federal Union, 61 Leopold Road, London N2 8BG

Name (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms) ______________________________

Address ________________________________________



Postcode _______________________________________

E-mail _________________________________________

Signature ______________________________________

Date __________________________________________

I enclose a cheque payable to “Federal Union” for:

[  ] £50 (supporting member)

[  ] £25 (contributing member)

[  ] £15 (member: waged)

[  ] £10 (member: student/unwaged)

[  ] additional donation of £______

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