A Common European Immigration Policy : Free movement of EU citizens within all EU member states and the plight of the Roma community (3 June 2011)

Friday 3 June 2011 the European Multicultural Foundation in association with the Confederation of Indian Organisations (UK) will be holding an important conference on the theme:

A common European immigration policy : free movement of EU citizens within all EU member states and the plight of the Roma community

Venue : Friends House, Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ

Start of conference 1-15pm

Registration from 12 noon to 1 pm

Reimbursement of expenses will be available for delegates from the mainland of Europe sharing a double room on 3rd June.

IMPORTANT NOTE : Registration is limited to 50 delegates. Please ensure you book early by sending an email to [email protected] including your organisation and delegates’ names, plus a contact telephone number and email address.

For further information please email [email protected]

  • Peter Simkovic, Secretary-General, European Multicultural Foundation
  • Jagdish Patel, Secretary-General, Confederation of Indian Organisations
  • Dr Tara Mukherjee, Chairman, European Multicultural Foundation

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