Foreign policy in the UK courts (14 May 2012)

Jonathan Sumption QC (picture Brick Court Chambers)

Date: Monday 14th May
Time: 6.30-8pm
Venue: Wolfson Theatre
Speaker: Jonathan Lord Sumption
Chair: Professor Martin Loughlin

Jonathan Lord Sumption was sworn in as a Justice of the Supreme Court in January 2012.

Sumption is known for his appearance as a barrister in the Hutton Inquiry on the UK government’s behalf, for his part in the Three Rivers case, for his representation of former Cabinet minister Stephen Byers and the UK Department for Transport in the Railtrack private shareholders’ action against the British Government in 2005, and for defending the government in an appeal hearing brought by Binyam Mohamed.

This lecture forms part of our Health of our Institutions Today series.

Further details can be found here.
Professor Martin Loughlin. Having completed ‘Foundations of Public Law’ (2010), a companion volume to ‘The Idea of Public Law’ (2003), Professor Loughlin’s objective is to examine the impact of contemporary governmental developments on the practice of public law. ‘The Transformation of Public Law’ is, however, a long-term project.

This lecture is part of the British Government @ LSE events programme.

This event is free and open to all with no ticket required. Entry is on a first come, first served basis. For any queries email [email protected] or call 020 7955 6043.

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