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Green 9 – The EU’s new Constitution: Assessing the Environmental Perspective
November 2004 Retain environmental and sustainable development objectives and the integration principle. This demand refers mainly to the objectives of environmental protection and sustainable development (I-3) and to the integration […]
A Human Rights Manifesto for Europe – Amnesty International
The European Parliament should see to it that: the Charter of Fundamental Rights, currently an unenforceable political document, becomes legally binding and fully justiciable by the European Court of Justice […]
Why is the constitutional treaty so long and complicated?
A very interesting seminar today on the future of the constitutional treaty. A full report will follow soon in the news section of the website, but here are some quick […]
Ségolène Royal on unemployment/delocalisations and institutional reform
UNEMPLOYMENT/DELOCALISATIONS “Europe has failed to fight against unemployment, Europe has also created (social) precariousness, has not rightly reacted to delocalisations. Europe has not embodied an ideal; it has reduced itself […]
Suits you
Britain is no longer a sovereign state: it’s official. Summoned to give evidence to the United States Congress on the progress of the war in Iraq, Tony Blair jumps to […]
Nicolas Sarkozy mini-Treaty 8/9/06
Sarkozy speech in English speech by French interior minister Nicolas Sarkozy in Brussels on 8 September 2006: Key proposals: The extension of majority voting and codecision, particularly in justice and […]
Andrew Duff Plan B 18/10/06
Andrew Duff has published his own Plan B for restarting the constitutional process: Introduction Full document
Polish president calls for European army 6/11/06
Interview with Lech Kaczynski, president of Poland, in the Financial Times: FT: How do you see the future of the European Union? LK: There is a fundamental problem: Are we […]