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  • Belt up

    Where does European law come from and what is it for? This is something that is regularly debated and argued over in the abstract, as a theoretical notion. Here is […]

  • Civilisation

    Just back from a weekend seminar in Switzerland, to mark the 60th anniversaries of Winston’s Churchill’s famous speech in Zurich (which you can read here) and of the adoption of […]

  • The European economy in 2046

    Based on a speech by Richard Laming, member of the UEF Executive Bureau and Director of Federal Union, at the Hertenstein seminar, 23 September 2006.  (Read this article as a […]

  • 60 years of European federalism

    “Between federal state and federation – historical foundation for the future of Europe?” – 22 – 24 September 2006, Zürich and Hertenstein (Switzerland) What is it about? 1946 was a […]

  • UEF welcomes success of the One Seat campaign reaching 1 million signatures

    19 September 2006 “It costs European taxpayers approximately 200 million euros a year to move the Parliament between Brussels/Belgium and Strasbourg/France. As a citizen of the European Union, I want […]

  • Words are easy, actions are harder

    By Richard Laming Published in EUobserver, 19 September 2006 The political season resumes after the summer break with renewed discussions about what to do with the constitutional treaty. Ratification – and […]

  • Where next for the constitution?

    An interesting discussion yesterday between Andrew Duff and Michael Moore, Liberal Democrat spokespeople on constitutional affairs in the European Parliament and foreign affairs in the House of Commons, respectively. (It […]

  • Strategy and action of the UEF

    By Richard Laming Based on a speech, given at the Ventotene seminar, 7 September 2006 It is of course a pleasure to come to Ventotene to speak about the strategy […]

  • Just the facts

    During the summer break, I had the privilege of sitting in on a weekend discussion about the future of Europe conducted on a deliberately neutral basis. I was there to […]

  • H G Wells and world government

    By John Parry A review of “Building Cosmopolis: The political thought of H G Wells”, by John S Partington (Ashgate Publishing) The British author H G Wells is mainly known […]

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