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  • It was thirty years ago today

    6 June 2005 The UK’s referendum on 5 June 1975 on future membership of the EEC was the first in its history. Odd perhaps that it was demanded by self-styled […]

  • What is the international community?

    Federalists are pretty suspicious of the notion of the “international community”. It is generally taken to mean gatherings of countries who get together to enact common policies that might otherwise […]

  • Defining the future of the European continent

    By Jo Leinen In the coming twelve months there is to be a phase of reflection about the future of the European project. Unfortunately, the European Council did not tell […]

  • Oh shit

    30 May 2005 Whatever you think of the outcome of yesterday’s referendum in France, you have to admire the process. Millions of men and women went to the polls to […]

  • Despite the French No vote, Europe still needs a constitution

    By Richard Laming The rejection of the European constitution by the referendum in France is a setback but not a disaster. At the time of writing, it is not clear […]

  • Climate change

    The consensus among experts on climate science is that human activities are having an irreversible impact on the atmosphere, which will in turn increase the temperature of the planet. If […]

  • The European role in ruling globalisation

    By Alberto Majocchi Globalisation is a very complex phenomenon and is difficult to analyse in its different aspects. Hence, I will limit myself to a discussion of its main characteristics […]

  • A referendum on the Brussels consensus?

    By George Irvin Published in EUobserver, 27 May 2005 Those on the French Left who vote non to the Constitution cannot simply be dismissed as loony-lefties, nostalgic for France’s pivotal role […]

  • A British letter to France: vote for Europe

    By Neal Ascherson, Christopher Bobinski, Richard Corbett, Brendan Donnelly, Andrew Duff, Sue Garden, Timothy Garden, Kirsty Hughes, Will Hutton, Richard Laming, Philip Souta, Edward Steen, Zygmunt Tyszkiewicz Published in openDemocracy, […]

  • High stakes in French referendum

    By Richard Laming Published in EUobserver, 23 May 2005 In the last week before the French people go to the polls to vote on the European constitution, the stakes are getting […]

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