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Sugar debate shows that EU politics returns to normal
By Richard Laming Published in EUobserver, 15 July 2004 After the excitement of the European elections, the approval of the constitution text and the nomination of a candidate for president of […]
Political parties should nominate own candidates
By Richard Laming Published in the Financial Times, 3 July 2004 Sir, John Szemerey (Letters, June 26) proposes that candidates for president of the European Commission should contest the European elections, […]
Taking George W Bush seriously
By John Williams A review of: The president of good and evil: taking George W Bush seriously” by Peter Singer (Granta Books, 2004) “Plan of attack” by Bob Woodward (Simon […]
Democracies can be warmongers too
Democracies may find it harder to go to war but they do not find it impossible. As Sir Samuel Brittan acknowledges, the human tendency to divide the world into in-groups […]
Human rights in Guantanamo Bay
This document describes the “legal black hole” created by the American prison camp at Guantanamo Bay and outlines some political actions that might be taken to address the problem. Nothing […]
What happens if Britain votes no?
By Richard Laming During the debate about whether there should be a referendum on the European constitution in Britain, it was not possible to be sure what the British constitutional […]
Campaign briefing: Democracy and the European constitution
The draft European constitution proposed by the European constitutional convention and currently under discussion in the IGC marks the next stage in the development of the European Union. Each successive […]
Trans-Atlantic relations in an election year
Debate at the AGM on 13 March 2004 introduced by Stephen Haseler It is not possible to separate the debate about European unity from the question of the transatlantic relationship. […]
The European constitution after the failure of the Brussels summit
Debate at the AGM on 13 March 2004 introduced by John Pinder Is the constitution likely to be agreed this year (or soon afterwards)? When the Federal Union committee discussed […]
Fifty years in one day
By Richard Laming Published in EUobserver, 3 May 2004 It is hard to overstate the significance of the recent enlargement of the European Union. At the stroke of a pen, seventy […]