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European constitution now!
Adoption without veto! Appeal to the National Governments and Parliaments, and the European Parliament The Union of European Federalists deeply regrets the failure of the Brussels IGC summit in December […]
Let us reorder this world around us: the European constitution and the wider world
By Richard Laming Having written a pamphlet about European foreign policy and world order, I should start by explaining why I am interested in the subject. It goes back to […]
Myths about the United Nations
By John Roberts Several popular myths about the UN are regularly uttered and heard and these indicate not only certain failures to understand recent history, but also tend to prevent […]
European defence passes through London
By Richard Laming The first signs of a deal on how to develop a European defence represent a step forward, perhaps a bigger step than it might at first seem. […]
The WTO and the EU post-Cancún
A submission by Federal Union to the House of Lords European Union Committee (Sub-Committee A) 1. The failure of the recent summit at Cancún should be an occasion to consider […]
America unbound: the Bush revolution in foreign policy
A review by John Williams America unbound The Bush revolution in foreign policy. Ivo H.Daalder & James M. Lindsay. Published by the Brookings Institute Press (2003) The purpose of Ivo […]
On life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
By Geoff Taylor Partly as a result of the gridlock in the USA election, I came to realise that Great Britain’s system of government has become anachronistic and thoroughly retrograde. […]
The idea of Europe
By Will Hutton Today’s European Union is a remarkable, if still incomplete, achievement. Its founding six members have been augmented by another nine and up to ten additional countries in eastern […]
Efficiency agenda for Union of 25
By Richard Laming Published in the Financial Times, 31 December 2003 Sir, In discussing the consequences of enlargement on the European Union’s marathon negotiating sessions, Tobias Buck neglects to mention the […]
Federalism in 2003 – a review
British politics has gone through some severe shocks in the past 12 months, faced with constitutional upheavals at home and abroad. As 2004 opens, we look at what effect those […]