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Federalism and the global challenges
By Richard Laming Notes for “Federalism and the global challenges”, Ventotene, 4 September 2002 What do federalists think of globalisation? What is globalisation? It is people and organisations doing things […]
Why nation states are not obsolete
By John Roberts There is a myth abroad that the nation state is nowadays a paper tiger, its place as the rampant danger to peace and stability in the world […]
Why the IMF remains undemocratic
Letter published in The Guardian, Thursday 18 July 2002 Most concepts of democratic accountability include answering before a parliament representing the citizens. There is no such role within the IMF, […]
Use of Hitler in video is misplaced
From the Western Morning News, 9 July 2002 I must say that I am appalled by MP Kate Hoey’s comments regarding the inclusion of Adolf Hitler in the NO campaign […]
A humane and effective immigration and asylum policy
Federalist Letter to the European Constitutional Convention Issue number 4, 5 June 2002 Dear Members of the Convention Not a week goes by without further evidence of the desperation felt […]
Romano Prodi: “we need to find new solutions that take proper account of experience gained”
“For the Union of tomorrow, we need to find new solutions that take proper account of experience gained. In trade for instance, the Union already speaks with a single voice […]
The European fight against racism
Federalist Letter to the European Constitutional Convention Issue number 3, 21 May 2002 Dear Members of the Convention You have surely noticed that a quarter of the voters in the […]
Will the government’s White Paper on regional government actually turn the tide on control freakery in Westminster?
Report from the AGM, 11 May 2002 David Millar opened his introduction by saying he would refer only to Whitehall and not Westminster: MPs are not powerful enough to be […]
Will the European Union be able to do more in the Middle East than simply pay for the repairs to Yassir Arafat’s offices? What happens if America invades Iraq?
Report from the AGM, 11 May 2002 Terry Bishop set out to answer the question of why Europe was better placed than the United States to understand the Middle East. […]
Will there be a referendum on the euro? Or will we see the death of New Labour’s euro dream?
Report from the AGM, 11 May 2002 Brendan Donnelly opened the debate by saying that, in the national interest, Britain should join the euro as soon as possible. That did […]