Study tour to Brussels (9-12 April 2013)

The European Atlantic Movement Study Tour for teachers, lecturers, students and other professional people.

The party will visit the European Parliament, European Commission, Council of the European Union, UK Permanent Representation to the EU, European External Action Service, and Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe with visits planned to other institutions of international cooperation.

The cost includes travel by Eurostar, en suite accommodation with breakfast at the 4* Hotel Carrefour de l’Europe in the centre of Brussels, dinner on the first night, lunch at the SHAPE club and all travel in Brussels.

Cost of the study tour -Shared Room £225.00p. Single Room £345.00p.

Additional bursaries may be available for student teachers.

For further details and an application form contact:

Antony J Frost.
42B, Eastern Avenue, Reading, Berks, RG1 5RY.
Telephone: 0118-926-2858.
Mobile: 07977-415201.

Email: [email protected]

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