The future of Europe – towards the European dream? (19 April 2012)

EU Policy Seminar: “The Future of Europe – Towards the European Dream?”

At The Office of the European Parliament in London, 32 Smith Square, SW1P 3EU

Thursday 19 April, 5.30-8pm followed by a drinks reception

How can we transcend the current impasse and define the future of Europe? Do we need some radical new ideas to get Europe back on track? Should we return to the ideals of the founding fathers who built Europe? How can Europe prosper in the globalised competitive world? What kind of action is necessary now by governments, civil society and citizens to create a prosperous and secure life for the 500 million people of Europe? What kind of future do we want for Europe? Should the EU assume a global role and can we still build the European Dream?

Leading the discussion will be:

Professor Christopher Coker, Professor of International Relations at the London School of Economics, Lecturer and Author on British Defence and Foreign Policy.

Maurice Fraser, Senior Fellow in European Politics at The European Institute, London School of Economics and Associate Fellow of Chatham House.

Edward Mortimer CMG, 1998 and 2006 Chief Speechwriter and Director of Communications to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and 2007-11 Chief Programme Officer of the Salzburg Global Seminar.

The seminar is free to attend with a drinks reception afterward. However, spaces are limited so a ticketed guest list will be in operation on the door. For further information and to request a free ticket please go to the following website:

This seminar is organised by Civitatis International and the Office of the European Parliament in London.

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