Chair’s 2018 Report to AGM

September 2018

Dear Fellow Federalist,

I firmly believe the United Kingdom is approaching a crossroads and that it will take the path to a Federalist future. Never again will Central Government be allowed to pursue a path of national self-harm in the manner it is doing with Brexit. Considerable power will be divested to the Regions, with Central government retaining only those powers required to be exercised at the national level, such as Defence and Foreign Affairs. The House of Lords will be replaced by a body of regional representatives, with a democratic mandate to exercise restraint over central government.

To this end, the Federal Union has commissioned a paper on a Federalist Constitution for the United Kingdom from Dr Andrew Blick at Kings College, London. We will develop this paper, along with our sister organisations the Federal Trust and the James Madison Trust, into a road map for a Federalist Constitution. We will then circulate this to interested parties, such as the Scottish and Welsh governments and the London assembly, for their comments.

This year has been a good year for the Federal Union. Keith Best retired as Chair of the Executive Committee of the World Federalist Movement after 29 years in the role. He has now taken up the role of Chair of the WFM’s Audit Committee. We have attracted new committee members such as Chris Powers, who is actively assisting the UEF in fund raising now that the European Commission has discontinued funding. We even had an enquiry from the BBC on Federalism!

At a practical level, this year has been difficult now that we have lost the use of the facilities at the London Metropolitan University. If anyone has office facilities which they could let us use in central London 3 or 4 times a year for committee meetings that would be greatly appreciated.

Our sister organisation, the Federal Trust, continues to organise some excellent events. Brendan Donnelly, the organisation’s Chair, has also been writing some very insightful articles on Brexit. These can be found on the Federal Trust website.

Our AGM’s have been rather poorly attended for the last couple of years and I would like to try a new format next year; an annual dinner. It would be at a Central London restaurant and is likely to cost between £25 -£35 depending on whether wine is included. It would be a good opportunity to meet like-minded people. I would also enjoy meeting supporters and hearing your ideas. It is likely to be held in May. Please let me know if this is something that you would be interested in.

I attach a copy of the Federal Union’s accounts for the year for your information. You will note that it has cost us approximately £1,600 this year to run the Federal Union, which is considerably more than we received in income. Please do ensure your membership fees are paid and any additional contributions will be gratefully received. Please also encourage interest from potential new members.

With my very best wishes

Mark Paterson

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