A conference at Europe House organised by the London School of Economics, and the Wyndham Place Charlemagne Trust
Thursday 22 November and Friday 23 November 2012
National foreign ministries have authorised the creation in the EU of a system of procedures for coordinating the workings of national diplomatic systems and creating EU institutions and procedures parallel to national arrangements. Key issues now are whether the result is enhanced European policy-making, whether the EU’s institutional arrangements have become more effective than the product of the EU’s component parts and whether the EU has created a basis for foreign policy making of relevance to other regional organisations.
Speakers include: Rosa Balfour, European Policy Centre, Brussels, Prof. Ramses Wessel, University of Twente Charles Tannock, MEP, Sir Robert Cooper (invited, but t.b.c.), LSE and former Director-general for external and politico-military affairs, EEAS, Prof. Richard Whitman, Kent University
For more information, click here http://www2.lse.ac.uk/internationalRelations/dinamfellow/conf2012/Conference-The-European-External-Action-Service.aspx