A Federal Europe in the Making? Europe 2020, the European Semester and the Euro Plus Pact – A Half-Day Conference
Wednesday 7th December 2011, 09.45-14.00
The Pierhead Building, Cardiff Bay
Over the last 18 months the European Union and its Member States have faced unprecedented challenges precipitated by the global financial and economic crisis. Major changes in European economic governance have been driven by the sovereign debt crisis within the Eurozone and continued concerns around the overall resilience of the European banking system. These reforms promise to fundamentally re-shape the future political and institutional direction of the EU and will likely have significant consequences both inside and outside the Eurozone. This half-day conference brings together speakers from across Wales, the UK and Europe to explore the implications of these changes for the UK and Wales and the potential strategic options that UK and Welsh governments face in the future. Following the formal end of the conference the First Minister of Wales, the Rt Hon Carwyn Jones AM, will give a keynote speech on Wales and the European Union.
The conference is free of charge and is part of the wider programme of events ‘Reforming European Economic Governance: Implications for the United Kingdom and Wales’ which will run until Spring 2012. The programme is sponsored by the European Commission and the School of European Studies at Cardiff University, organised in association with the Learned Society of Wales.
To register your attendance please e-mail: [email protected]
For further details please visit:http://www.cf.ac.uk/euros/newsandevents/events/economicgovernance.html