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Britain and the EU democracy euro European constitution European foreign policy eurosceptics Federal Trust financial crisis history Lisbon treaty referendum on Europe rule of law
Does the government obey the law?
It must hurt when, in government, you are defeated by the opposition. Still more so when you thought you had the votes lined up on your side, but you never […]
Syria: the next best thing
He’d lost the debate before he even opened his mouth. To summon back Britain’s MPs from the four corners of the earth during the summer recess needs an urgent case: […]
How to go to war with Syria
Parliament has been recalled tomorrow for a debate on the crisis in Syria. The use of poison gas in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta appears to have crossed a line, […]
The Spring of Civilisation?
By Ian Hackett This September, as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and Palestine (to name just a few countries, or not-quite countries, in or near the one-time cradle of […]
History is bunk
Royal Navy warship HMS Westminster docks in Gibraltar so that the British government can show it is not going to be intimidated by Spanish protests at the border. Spain, which […]
What has the Commission got against menthol cigarettes?
The No Thank EU campaign against the new Tobacco Products Directive asks a pertinent question: The EU proposes to ban all menthol and slim cigarettes (the latter less than 7.5 […]
Scotland, possible independence and the EU
By Lawrence Fullick The possible future independence of Scotland is not a simple case of a region of an EU member state gaining independence without any historical rationale. Scottish national […]
Where is the internet?
Another example of our borderless world takes the form of a lawsuit against Google. Privacy campaigners in the UK protest that the Google search engine ignores the privacy settings in […]
How the euro protects its members
Previous blogposts (here and here) have written approvingly of the trend to include more foreign-produced value added in a country’s exports. What this means is that the components and parts […]
Greece is not integrated enough
A previous post on this blog looked at international trade from the perspective of value added rather than gross exports, that is to say, what proportion of a country’s exports […]