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What should parking pay for?
Away from the big picture of world trade and globalisation, let’s look at the important issue of parking charges. What should it cost to park a car outside your house? […]
What is trade made of?
It is a familiar complaint from eurosceptics that the UK does not trade enough with the countries of east and south east Asia. Membership of the EU has distorted the […]
Devolution for the English
Devolution has brought great changes to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, but what about England? What do the English get out of it? An article by Sue Cameron in the […]
Parliament’s influence on EU legislation goes up in smoke
No sooner does this website publish a criticism of the way that national governments behave in the Council of Ministers (read it here) than a cast-iron example emerges of exactly […]
It’s arrived!
The first set of reports from the government’s Balance of Competences (BoC) review emerged yesterday after 9 months gestation to a joyous public reception. The fountains in Trafalgar Square and […]
Any institution needs its critics
In the furore about reported failings in the National Health Service recently, Daniel Hannan MEP remarked that: Any organisation that is treated as being beyond reproach is bound in time […]
Blair or Churchill: who told the truth?
Can Tony Blair really be compared to Winston Churchill? A recent talk by Mr Blair’s former communications chief Alastair Campbell noted that Winston Churchill actively and shamelessly engaged in deception […]
How can national parliaments exert influence in the EU?
Labour eurosceptic MP Gisela Stuart convened an interesting debate in Westminster Hall on 16 July about the role of national parliaments in the EU legislative system. Her speech focused on […]
Is there an efficient solution to climate change?
A recent book illustrates neatly the problem of how difficult climate change will be to solve, given that different countries have starkly different interests at stake. “The burning question”, by […]
The two faces of William Hague
The traditional definition of chutzpah is the man who, on convicted of the murder of his parents, asks the court for mercy on the grounds that he is an orphan. […]