Introducing the World Federalist Movement (26 September 2011)

26 September · 18:30 – 21:00

Upstairs at The Cheshire Cheese (NOT Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese on Fleet St)
5, Little Essex Street
London WC2R 3LD – map here

Einstein was right about the Theory of Relativity. Was he right about the need for world federalism?

The World Federalist Movement–Institute for Global Policy (WFM-IGP) works to advance the global promise of peace and is committed to building a safer and more just world.

But what does this mean in practice? How does it relate to other activists (whether focusing on global policy issues or other forms of democratic reform)? Join us to find out more about who WFM are and what they do.

There will be a brief presentation about the last WFM council meeting in Buenos Aires that took place during the wider “10 Days of Democracy” conference in October 2010, and a look forward to the next meeting in Washington in October 2011. This will be followed by a wider discussion on what ‘world federalism’ (and/or ‘global democracy’) means in today’s political climate.

Speakers leading the discussion will be Shimri Zamaret from Federal Union & Egality, Julie Langevin from the Young European Movement & the International Court for the Environment (ICE) Coalition, and Becky Luff from the World Federalist Movement. (Biographies to follow. Possibly.)

This meeting is hosted by Federal Union and the Young European Movement (JEF-UK), as member organisations of the World Federalist Movement.  If you hope to attend, please send an e-mail to Becky Luff

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