The United Kingdom and the European Parliament Elections (12 February 2014)

The LSE European Institute is delighted to invite you to its first Contesting Europe public debate on:

‘The United Kingdom and the European Parliament Elections: Voting For, Against or About the European Union?’


Prof Vernon Bogdanor, Professor of Politics and Government, King’s College London
Prof Damian Chalmers, Professor in European Union Law, LSE
Prof Simon Hix, Professor of European and Comparative Politics, LSE
Mats Persson, Director of Open Europe

Chair: Anand Menon, Professor of European Politics & Foreign Affairs, KingsCollegeLondon

Date: Wednesday 12 February 2014
Time: 18.30-20.00
Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, LSE

(LSE Clement House, 99 Aldwych, WC2B 4JF)
This event is a free and open to all. No ticket required.
Suggested hashtag for Twitter users: #LSEcontesting

For more information about the event and this series:

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