A seminar with Lord Hannay, former UK ambassador to the United Nations and UK Permanent Representative to the European Union 10.15am, Tuesday 17 May 2011, Tuke Common Room Regent’s College London.
Recent events in the Middle East and elsewhere indicate an urgent need for a concerted European response to major humanitarian, social and political crises in the world. Two new important developments are the appointment of a newly empowered European High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy with responsibilities in both the Council and the Commission and the establishment of a European Foreign Service (EEAS) to assist her. This fourth seminar of iCES and SEE will discuss the subject with the following leading experts:
Key note speaker:
Lord Hannay, former UK ambassador to the United Nations and UK Permanent Representative to the European Union, Special Representative for Cyprus and member of the UN High Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change.
Expert panel:
Dr Martyn Bond who, after a distinguished career in journalism, academia and the European civil service is currently Deputy Chairman of the London Press Club, special advisor to the Federal Trust for Education and Research on EU affairs and Visiting Professor in European Politics and Policy at Royal Hollo way, University of London.
Sir Brian Crowe, European Director at the Centre for Political and Diplomatic Studies, Oxford, and Director-General for External & Defence Affairs, Council of the European Union, 1994-2002. Author of “The European External Action Service: Roadmap for Success”. (http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/publications/papers/view/-/id/621/ )
The event is chaired by Regent’s College Jean Monnet Professor John Drew, Director of iCES
A draft paper on the European Action Service will be published in June by the Institute of Contemporary Studies (iCES), Regents College and the Senior European Experts (SEE.) This will inform the discussions and be circulated to participants prior to the seminar.
10:15 am Seminar in the Tuke Common Room, Regent’s College, Inner Circle, Regent’s Park, London, NW1 4NS (Registration from 09.45am) – for a map, click here
Buffet Lunch 12:00 -13:00
Please RSVP as soon as possible and at the latest by 10 May to:
Nikola Pamler
[email protected]
+44 (0)20 7487 7464
Please supply your name, designation and telephone number
Places are limited in order to allow greater participation.