The British Constitution after the General Election (8 April 2015)

Joint event with the Federal Trust

The referendum result in Scotland last September clearly has not settled anything. The future of Scotland in the Union remains in doubt, thanks to the last-minute promises made of UK constitutional reform and a surge in support for the SNP.

Join us on 8 April 2015 to discuss the possible scenarios for after the General Election, including:

– what is the prospect for English Votes for English Laws? (is EVEL an appropriate acronym?)
– how much fiscal devolution to Scotland will be enough?
– will the rise of UKIP wreck everything?
– if Scotland becomes independent, should we even mind, or would that be something to be welcomed?

Event details:

Wednesday 8 April 2015

5.00 – 7.00pm, followed by a drinks reception

Mary Sumner House
24 Tufton Street
London SW1P 3RB

Professor Stephen Haseler – Director, Global Policy Institute

Dr Andrew Blick – King’s College London

Richard Laming – Chair, Federal Union


To attend this event, please contact Ulrike Rueb-Taylor on [email protected] or T: 020 7320 1677.

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