The United Kingdom: All Change after the Scottish Referendum? (21 October 2014)

FederalTrustlogo17.00 for 17.30  until 19.00, followed by a reception

Room MG1-02
London Metropolitan University
84 Moorgate
London EC2M 6SQ


“The Vow” to devolve more powers to Scotland, made by the leaders of the three main political parties in Westminster at the end of the Scottish referendum campaign, has sparked vigorous debate about the future constitutional structure of the United Kingdom, and in particular about devolution in England. This event will offer a wide range of views and analyses on the many ideas for restructuring the Union now being discussed. Prominent in the discussion will be such topics as an English Parliament, a British Constitutional Convention, a written constitution for the United Kingdom and  “English votes for English Laws”. As ever, the Federal Trust will seek to promote debate and understanding rather than to present an illusory certainty on these complex issues.


17.00 – 17.30     Registration

17.30 – 17.35     Welcome and Introduction by the Chairman

                       Professor Stephen Haseler, Director, Global Policy Institute

17.35 – 17.55     Eddie Bone, Chairman, Campaign for an English Parliament

17.55 – 18.15      Professor Gerald Holtham, former Chair of the Independent Commission on Funding and Finance for Wales, and Honorary Professor at Cardiff Business School

18.15 – 18.35     Dr Andrew Blick, Lecturer in Politics and Contemporary British History, King’s College London

18.35 – 19.15     Discussion

19.15 – 20.00     Drinks Reception

Chaired by Professor Stephen Haseler, Director, Global Policy Institute

If you would like to attend this event please register by email on [email protected] or telephone 020 7320 1677.

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