Is Britain losing its influence in Europe?

Lloyd’s Building, with the gherkin-shaped Swiss Re tower in the background (picture Adrian Pingstone)
Letter in the Daily Mail, 8 December 2009

Peter Oborne says Britain’s economic influence in Europe “is less than at any time in the last two decades” (Mail) – but might that not be because the British economic model and British economic policies have been shown comprehensively not to work?

Rather than regretting that the City of London is going to be brought under control at last, the taxpayers of this country should actually be pleased.

Richard Laming

(the last sentence was edited down from “Rather than regretting that the City of London is going to be brought under control at last, the taxpayers of this country who are having to stump up for debts incurred around the world and paying bonuses to the people who ran up those debts should actually be pleased.”)

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